Loup Vuarnesson

XR Researcher / Unity Developer

Passionnate about the potential of immersive technologies for entertainment, cognitive research, learning and creativity. My personal and research work has always been focused on exploring how we create, share and feel.

Flow & Presence - Game Development - Multisensory Design - Natural Interfaces - Creativity


La Tisseuse d'Histoires

A multimodal improvisation performance, mixing VR, storytelling, puppeteering @ Drancy - 2022

Shadows & Seams

Artistic residency in Museum of Naive Arts @ Laval - RectoVRso 2022


Multi-user research project about co-creativity in diminished reality

Dancing Shadows

Workshop and performance around an "augmented" shadow theater. A puppeteer and an immersant dialogue together using only silhouettes of physical and virtual objects, projected onto a shared white screen.


ARENA by EMOTIC: a multisensory immersive room, with a 180° screen, 7.1 sound system, haptic and olfactory feedbacks

Roswell : Autopsie d'une controverse

An immersive and interactive virtual reality installation, based on the photogrammetric reconstruction of spaces from film archives.

PEP : Perception Espaces Partagés

Study on perceptive and cognitive processes involved during shared experiences in online digital spaces (PSL, Collège de France, 2015-2107).


Photorealistic 3D reconstitution of Halle de la Madeleine, with a surprising underwater atmosphere...



2021 - Loup Vuarnesson, Dionysios Zamplaras, Julien Laroche, Joseph Dumit, Clint Lutes, Asaf Bachrach and Francois Garnier

2021 - Julien Laroche, Loup Vuarnesson, Alexandra Endaltseva, Joseph Dumit and Asaf Bachrach

2019 - Loup Vuarnesson

2017 - Francois Garnier, Alain Berthoz and Loup Vuarnesson


• Conferences & Talks

2023 - Convention scientifique - R&T Days Cognition Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie - Paris FR
2022 - « Co-présence créative en réalité virtuelle - SEMINAIRE Phiteco 2022 » UTC Compiegne - Paris FR
2019 - Symposium « Virtual Creativity, Collective Reality » ENSAD and CNRS Pouchet - Paris FR
2019 - « Tour d’horizon sur le design adaptatif » IrisLab Systeme U - Carquefou FR
2019 - « Where Bodies Meet » Centre Culturel Suisse - Paris FR
2019 - « Les Rencontres Artec » Centre d’Art - Enghien les Bains FR

• Workshops & Performances

2021 - Workshop « Lapin Blanc » - Larret FR
2019 - Symposium « Virtual Creativity, Collective Reality » ENSAD and CNRS Pouchet - Paris FR
2019 - « Moving Humans with CREATE » Tate Modern - London UK
2019 - « Les Rencontres Artec » Centre d’Art - Enghien les Bains FR

• Awards

2019 - Best Poster Award @ HUCAPP19' - Prague CZ